2024 NASA Opportunity Rover / STEM Roadshow

A unique roadshow is set to tour across Aotearoa / New Zealand, featuring a life-size replica of NASA’s Opportunity rover, bringing space exploration closer to home. Accompanying the rover will be a NASA engineer who will share insights into the engineering marvels behind the rover’s design and its historic mission on Mars. The event will also include talks from local robotics experts, focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and the latest advancements in robotics and automation within Aotearoa. This roadshow aims to inspire innovation and showcase how cutting-edge technology is shaping the future of Aotearoa / New Zealand.

Preliminary Schedule

Sept 16-18, 2024: Auckland
Sept 19-21, 2024: Dunedin
Sept 22, 2024: Timaru
Sept 23-24, 2024: Christchurch
Sept 25, 2024: Wellington
Sept 26, 2024: Taupo
Sept 27-29, 2024: Hamilton
Oct 4, 2024: Tauranga
Oct 5, 2024: Rotorua
Oct 6-7, 2024: Auckland

A complete schedule will follow.

Interested in Participating? Contact Us

Henry Williams – henry.williams@auckland.ac.nz
Minas Liarokapis – minas.liarokapis@auckland.ac.nz